Church Softball Leagues Louisville
Posted By admin On 22/05/18I think this question violates the Community Guidelines. Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members,show more. I think this question violates the. Metro Parks Athletics Office 4101 Cadillac Ct. For questions about upcoming Adult Athletics Leagues.
Welcome to St Luke Catholic Church located in Louisville Kentucky. If you would like to join us and need directions, click for a map to our place. Ash Wednesday service February 14, St Luke7:00 PM.
Rita 8 AM and 12 noon. Stations of the Cross are each Friday during Lent at 7:00PM at St.
Luke Mass times are: Saturday 4PM Sunday 10AM Tuesday 8AM Friday 8AM Parish phone numbers: 502-969-3291 502-969-1718 (FAX) Check our for happenings on and around the St Luke community. Our monthly chicken dinners start on September 10 and then each second Sunday until April. Check the calendar or this for details. Pioneer A-777 Manual. Meet our staff: Pastor Retired in residence Fr Jerry Bell Deacon Ken Mitchell (502-445-6840) LINKS Youth ministry BIO Parish Council Marla Dunn DRE Pastoral Associate 502-962-7799 x106 Business Manager 502-962-7799 x110 Finance Council Secretary Rentals: Bob Jaggers 502-777-7324 (after 4PM) Sports: Mike Portman 502-262-8344.