How To Make Ragnarok Patch Client
Posted By admin On 26/05/18[Tutorial] Guide for making your own Ragnarok Server. Thursday, May 15, 2014. Guide for making your own Ragnarok Server (Setup f. I was wondering how to do that, since I'm making my own server. The server itself is up and running, but the client, I don't know how to properly build.
Maintenance just ended and there are hundreds of monsters waiting to be slayed! Your first task is to get your client patched, but shoot! Somehow your patch failed! What can you possibly do? One thing you can do is try to force your client to re-patch itself.
Yes, it will probably take more time, but it can get you in the game without pursuing a full re-install of your client! This guide was originally written. • Navigate to your Gravity folder (typically C: Program Files (x86) Gravity Ragnarok Online 2 or some variation) and find the file named Version.dat. • Open Version.dat it with Notepad. You'll see the current Game & Patch version.
Addictive Drums Osx Dmg there. It'll look something like this: • You'll be changing the last two digits a few versions back then save your file: (this is an example given) UserGameVersion=00000110; UserPatchVersion=00000110; By doing this, your client is essentially thinking it's an older version and needs to patch. Make sure to set the numbers back to 00000125 (THE MOST RECENT patch number as of 6-12-2014) once you are finished patching. • Start your client and it should start to patch itself. If you get a HackShield error, continue to try to start the client and it should eventually fix itself.