Browning Gti Ultra Sporter Manual

Posted By admin On 07/06/18

Browning 12 gauge GTi Ultra (Sporter) Over and Under Shotgun (R/H) - S/H Trade seller - Advertised for 50 days until for £1,095. Browning Citori Ultra Sporter Plus 12Ga 28 BBL. Blued finish with some wear. Light scratch to upper right part of the receiver. Wo for sale by UnionArmsCompany on.

Their a good solid gun. Make sure that the gun has the Invector Plus choke system, or I'd pass!!!

Browning Sporter 20

Price will vary alot for this gun, so condition and round count are a very big factor. OK to kinda nice, would be like $1000 to $1300 I would think. But the gun can be worth less or even more!!! If condition is poor or excellent. What GTI stands for has been asked on this website a number of times. I still have not seen the correct answer. A few joking names is all that I seem to see posted.

Make sure the top lever is right of center. The farther right the better.

Then check the bluing for wear(bare metal spots are bad), and the stock for dings, scratches, does the gun still have the original box. The box can add value if the gun is very good to excellent shape. Break em all. I own a GTI that I recently bought. It looked really good except for a few Knicks in the stock. Intitle Rapidshare Intext Login. I got it for 1200 out the door. When I got home I started researching the serial number.

After a few clicks I realized that I had the golden clays addition and it was valued at around 2100. So make sure you get the serial number and look it up. There are 3 grades with this gun and two different GTI logos on the side. Red logo is no good as it has invector chokes and it was the first year '89 that they were made.

Browning Gti Ultra Sporter Manual

Gold GTI followed '90-94. From what I can tell if its not ported then its the lowest grade.

Infovox Ivox 2.0.1 Crack. If it is ported then you will need to look at the last 3 of serial number to determine. I believe if its a T then its the lower grade and P is the Golden Clays. Epson Perfection 2450 Twain Driver Windows 7 64 Bit.

New furniture will run around 600 non finished from browning. The only other bad thing is that you cant place another barrel on this gun. The barrels were hand fitted and cant be interchanged. I done lots of research before getting mine. The going price for the first 2 grades on gunbroker and guns America is $900. Use that as your negotiating tool and take them a copy of the Browning's book of values.