Talk Thru The Bible Pdf
Posted By admin On 30/05/18Talk Thru the Bible: Bruce Wilkinson, Kenneth Boa: 9. Product Description. Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa provides a valuable summary of every. Download Ebook: talk thru the bible in PDF Format. Also available for mobile reader.
SPECIAL OPERATION AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: The Talk Thru the Bible series contains DVD-Rom discs which operate only on a computer (Mac and PC compatible). The discs are not compatible with a TV/DVD player. Each disc contains a combination of resources that require Apple QuickTime, Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote, Microsoft Word, or other compatible software. A User's Guide is included. Talk Thru the Bible contains a variety of tools to learn and to teach the Old Testament.
Use this series for your personal learning or as a tool to teach others about the Bible. The visual and audio tools contained in the DVD-Rom set do all the teaching for you - you only have to watch and listen. You'll get world class teaching right from your computer! Talk Thru the Bible can be used for individual study or by pastors, teachers, and small group leaders to teach any book of the Bible.
The Talk Thru the Bible - Old Testament Overviews DVD-Rom set includes: • PowerPoint and Keynote presentations • Audio teachings • Teaching transcripts • Movie presentations (These tools are Mac and PC compatible. The discs will not operate in a standard DVD player.) Each 30-60 minutes lesson consists of 10 sections: Introduction and Title; Author; Date and Setting; Survey; Theme and Purpose; Keys to the Specific Book; Contribution to the Bible; Christ in the Book; and Applications.
Use these learning tools to improve biblical literacy both personally and within your ministry. DVD-Rom, Computer use only. Program De Creat Muzica Pe Calculator there.
Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa provides a valuable summary of every book of the Bible. Each chapter contains an introduction, notes on the author, date and setting, theme and purpose, key verses, Christ in that book (whether Old or New Testament), a survey of the book, and an outline of the book.
The information is accurate, easy to understand, and complimented with useful charts and maps. The appendix at the back of the book features the visuals used in the Visual Survey of the Bible which is an excellent method for teaching the themes and timeline of Scripture.
523 pages, hardcover. If you are familiar with Walk Thru the Bible Ministries you will appreciate the broad, quick-paced overview of each book. This format helps you to see how each book is related and how each one points ultimately to Christ, as God reveals Himself through the pages of His Word.If you are looking for Walk Thru the Bible's colorful charts you will be disappointed. They are only 2 color. I wish the binding and paper were of better quality as this book gets a lot of use.
I am on my second copy as I have already given one away.