Portishead Dummy Blog
Posted By admin On 02/06/18Listen to songs from the album Dummy, including 'Mysterons', 'Sour Times', 'Strangers', and many more. Buy the album for $9.99. Songs start at $0.99. Free with Apple. Dummy esta poseido por un clima de melancolica maldad que te transporta al cine negro, repleto de criminales y sangre. Dummy es blues languido que construye paisajes.
In the UK, a dummy isn’t just a mannequin or an idiot; it’s also what Americans would call a pacifier. Savor the irony in the title of ’s debut album.
The album may suggest coziness, sonic swaddling, the gentle soundtrack to a raver’s comedown—and in 1994, ravers were plenty familiar with pacifiers. But *Dummy *doesn’t coddle, it unsettles. Bmc Remedy Client 7.5. It tastes not like warm milk but coppery and bitter, like blood. Despite its two-plus decades spent soundtracking makeout sessions, it cradles a terrible loneliness in its heart.