Operation Time Search Ebook
Posted By admin On 28/04/18Author's Note: It is with a great deal of respect that I attempt a sequel to Andre's Norton's book, 'Operation Time Search'. I've read her work since I was a teen and she is/remains my favorite author, even though she has passed on to the flame. 'Operation Time Search' Synopsis Ray Osborne agreed to take pictures of a historic Indian mound for a local newspaper under dispute with a local government installation.
While on assignment to photograph a burial mound in Ohio, a photographer finds himself suddenly catapulted back in time to an era when Atlantis was a powerful force. Download Free eBook:[PDF] Operation Time Search - Free epub, mobi, pdf ebooks download, ebook torrents download.
He is caught in a beam and transported back in time. Ray finds himself in a land filled with giant trees and part of an inland sea. He is captured by a hunting party in armor carrying swords. They give him over to Atlanteans and the ship he's on sails. On board, he is befriended by Cho, one of the Sun Born and a native of Mu. The two escape, are rescued, Cho makes Ray his Sword Brother, and the two go back to the Motherland.
The Sunborn have telepathic abilities. They use the ability to keep in contact with their various colonies. Somehow, the Atlanteans, block their connection, causing great concern among the Naacal, priests of the flame, and the ruler, the Re Mu. They discover because Ray is not a man of their land or time, they can use him to cut through the curtain and discover what the followers of Ba-Al are up to, including their leader Chronos. Later, the Naacal priests fashion Ray into a weapon and an agent against his will. He goes to Atlantis in disguise to do their bidding and ends up captured by the rebel priests.
By chance or design, he finds the true ruler of the city, although both are condemned to die in the embrace of the 'Loving One', a foul, slug like creature summoned from the pit to be used as a tool by the Ba-Al priests. During the final battle between Atlantis and the followers of Mu, the 'Loving One' is released. Ray and young and true leader Uranos are shackled in the temple of Ba-Al to be sacrificed. Ray used the flame to hold back the creature, despite suffering injury inflicted by the blood hungry slug. His Sword Brother Cho, fights his way to the top of the temple, used a crystal given to him by the Naacal, and ultimately defeats the 'Loving One'. After Atlantis is defeated, the Re Mu enters the city and judges it. It is decided that the inhabitants will be allowed to leave under the leadership of Uranos.
The city is destroyed, the intent to wipe the city's name from history. Cho returns to Mu and Ray returns to the Barren Lands, or the treed wilderness where he came into this ancient world. He finds the time portal open, but is unable to go through it. Almost, he becomes trapped between the two, until he decides to stay in the past where he now belongs. His final decision is that he wants to establish a colony in the Barren Lands. Sobotta Software here. Unknown to him, two continents in the future, suddenly appear as if they'd always been there.
000000000 I do not own the characters of Operation Time Search. I write this in respect and in memory of my favorite author and for the enjoyment of others who admired Andre Norton. Operation Time Search II: New Lands Dragonlots aka Dana Bell Intro 'Ask your computers for a new equation. We plant a man over there by mistake-and we get two continents in exchange.
It seems we may have a somewhen on this side, too. Only it's in the here and now, and we have to deal with it.
Starship Windows 7 3d. Those lands-if they people-if they are open-they have to be dealt with.' 'Up for grabs, unless they've arrived complete with inhabitants,' commented Hargreaves. 'Perhaps we had better begin wondering about that. Maybe Osborne will have the best of two possible worlds from now on. Mutilate A Doll 2 Android there. ' ' 'Operation Time Search', Chapter 18. Chapter 1 General Colfax straightened subconsciously as he prepared to enter the oval office.