How To Write .ctl File In Grads
Posted By admin On 24/05/18Since GrADS cannot easily perform high level data analysis techniques, (barring a few complicated workarounds) it may be useful to save data so it can be used with more advanced software. It might seem logical at times to simply skip GrADS in the all together, which is fine. Programs Like Dance Ejay here. However, I often find it easier to use GrADS as an intermediary step as it allows me to use only the data I need, and arrange the data as I see fit. This tutorial will teach you how to save data using GrADS by guiding you through an example that will save latitude/longitude and monthly average surface temperature data from NCEP reanalysis into a.txt file.
/data/wx/grads/sa.ctl and the binary data file is. Completely from the descriptor file and GrADS will assume the data. Rosenberg Trio Gypsy Swing Rar more. Good idea to write the file this.
Okay, so as always we will need to start by opening the data file. For this tutorial, I will use the monthly mean 2d reanalysis product. 'sdfopen Before we do anything else, lets see what our variable looks like. Since this dataset spans a large range of time, you can pick a time to look at; I am going to choose February,2000 as my time value. I do this by using the 'set time' (as opposed to 'set t') command.
Once the time is set, simply display your variable. The resultant image is shown below. 'set time 00Z01FEB2000' 'set gxout shaded' 'd t2m' Average 2 meter temperature for Feb 2000 Now, that we see what our data looks like on a map, we can move on to saving it into a.txt file. Saving data from GrADS into an outside file is actually very easy, we make use of a couple of simple commands and functions to do this.
The hard part is figuring out how to organize each piece of data exactly how you want it. The first thing we want to do is determine what data we would like to save, and how we would like to organize it.
I have found that when writing 2d data to a text file, I like to include the x/y grid location, the lat/lon value at each grid point, and the actual temperature data. So, our data file will have five columns to contain these data. I like to know which column is which, so the first thing we will do is write header to start off our data file. This is done by using the 'write' function in GrADS. Write('NCEP.txt', 'X Y LON LAT TEMP') Once this command is executed in GrADS the file NCEP.txt will be created in your folder with the text 'X Y LON LAT TEMP' on top. Now that we have our data file started, it's time to start filling it up with data.
To do this, the first thing that we need to do is tell GrADS to write our data out to the screen instead of plot it on a map. This is done by setting the output to print. In addition to that, we need to tell GrADS how to format our printed data. Time And Attendance Tracking Software. This is done with the 'prnopts' command. 'set gxout print' 'set prnopts%6.2f 1 1';*%6.2f: c format, 1: values to plot on each line,; space between values So, GrADS is set to print to the screen, and our printing options are set, we are ready to save the data.
The way we are going to this is one grid-point at a time using a nested loop, looping first though x, then through y grid points, saving the information into rows as we go. To begin, we will first need to set limits on our domain.
We do this by the use of the 'query' function 'q dims' xline=sublin(result,2);* 2nd line yline=sublin(result,3);* 3rd line xmax=subwrd(xline,13);*13th word on xline ymax=subwrd(yline,13);*13th word on yline say 'X grid-points: 'xmax say 'Y grid-points: 'ymax This brick of code should print out the following to the screen: X grid-points: 193 Y grid-points: 94 Now we know our domain dimensions. We can set up our loop. Again, we will use a simple nested loop configuration to go through the data. All we do in the loop, is print out the temperature data at each grid-point, get the lat/lon values using the 'q dims' command, and write the data to a new row in the NCEP.txt file. The code is as follows: y=1 while(y.
Anonymous Presuming, you are running GrADS from a php program (i'm not sure this is possible as I am not an expert in php), you can probably feed arguments to GrADS when you run the program: e.g., 'run grads -bx lat lon' or whatever command runs a program from php. Then I recommend writing the CAPE variable out from GrADS into a.txt file. One GrADS has done its thing, you can then use php to open up the.txt file and read the cape variable as $cape.
At that point you should be able to do with it as you wish using php. Hopefully, this is kind of what you were looking for? Anonymous Hi, I need some help. I make this: 'q pos' say result px=subwrd(result,3) py=subwrd(result,4) say 'posicao x ='px say 'posicao y ='py 'q xy2w 'px' 'py' say result plon=subwrd(result,3) plat=subwrd(result,6) ********************************************************** * Guardar puntos geograficos longitud='colonlat.csv' fmt= '%8.3' rc1=math_format(fmt,plon) rc2=math_format(fmt,plat) varf=rc1','rc2 rec= write(longitud,varf,closed) I get the file but I cannot get any value, so I dont now what to do.