Anchorage In Orthodontics Ppt
Posted By admin On 13/05/18ANCHORAGE IN FIXED APPLIANCES:: ANCHORAGE IN FIXED APPLIANCES: Inverse anchorage equation: C - Dc/2 – R1 = 0 where, C= horizontal distance b/w the vertical line passing through the cusp tip of the upper canine and the vertical line passing through the posterior end of the distal ridge of the lower canine Dc= arch length discrepancy of the mandibular arch, measured from distal of both lower canines R1= amount in mm which the anterior limit of the lower incisors should be moved in the ceph for the correction of a case
ANCHORAGE IN ORTHODONTICS INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in Continuing Dental Education www. PowerPoint Presentation. Skeletal anchorage is the most revolutionary technique developed in orthodontics in the past decade. While not every orthodontic patient needs it, many can benefit.
Anchorage in Orthodontics • 1. Anchorage In Orthodontics May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 1 • Outline Definition Factors affecting resistance of a tooth to a given force Types of anchorage: Extra-oral: Intra-oral: Intra-maxillary Inter-maxillary Examples: Reinforcement of anchorage: Temporary Orthodontic Micro Anchorage System: May 22, 2012 Dr.
Ahmed Basyouni 2 • Today’s Anchorage System Past Anchorage System May 22, 2012 Dr. Kolaveri Di Song Hindi Version Mp3. Ahmed Basyouni 3 • May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 4 • May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 5 • Definition Anchorage is the resistance used to overcome the reaction of an applied force. According to Newton’s third law of motion, to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 6 • Resistance of a tooth to a given force depend on the following: Root area of a tooth, resistance is directly proportional to root area.
Bone density in which the tooth is situated. Force direction relative to direction of natural growth. Game Maker Blood Splatter Particles In A Liquid. May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 7 • Resistance of a tooth to a given force depend on the following: 4. Type of movement, greater resistance is offered to a force which causes bodily movement of the teeth than one which permits teeth to tilt.
Muscular pressure can offer active resistance to orthodontic tooth movement, e.g. In tongue thrusting habit. The manner of interlocking of cusps. May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 8 • Types of anchorage Anchorage Extra-oral May 22, 2012 Intra-oral Dr.
Ahmed Basyouni 9 • Extra-Oral Cervical May 22, 2012 Occipital Dr. Ahmed Basyouni Parietal 10 • Extra-oral Parietal, Occipital and Cervical anchorage: Occipital anchorage eliminates possibility of undesirable forward movement of mandibular anchor teeth and used to distalize or prevent forward displacement of maxillary dental arch, especially when teeth in mandibular arch do not require mesial movement. May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 11 • Extra-oral Parietal, occipital and Cervical anchorage: CERVICAL HEADGEAR May 22, 2012 HIGH-PULL HEADGEAR Dr. Ahmed Basyouni VERTICAL PULL CHIN-CUP 12 • Extra-oral anchorage: PROTRACTION FACE MASK For Maxillary Protraction May 22, 2012 Dr. Ahmed Basyouni 13 • Intra-Oral Intra-maxillary Inter-maxillary Intra-maxillary Anchorage: is obtained from teeth in one jaw to move other teeth in same jaw.
Inter-maxillary Anchorage: is obtained from teeth in one jaw to move other teeth in opposite jaw. May 22, 2012 Dr. Road Rash Game For Windows 7 Ultimate. Ahmed Basyouni 14 • Intra-maxillary Simple Single Compound Stationary Single Reciprocal Compound Single May 22, 2012 Simple Compound Dr. Ahmed Basyouni Stationary Single Compound 15 • Simple anchorage: anchor tooth will be tipped if it can not overcome the resisting force. Stationary anchorage: anchor tooth would be moved bodily if it can not overcome the resisting force. Reciprocal: There is reciprocal force exerted between teeth to be moved. May 22, 2012 Dr.